The City has a number of Boards and Commissions that meet on a regular basis at City Hall. Meetings are subject to change. Board meetings will be rescheduled, if necessary, if they fall on a holiday, and boards will not meet if there is no business to be considered.
»Click Here For The Calendar of Scheduled Board Meetings & Agendas
Open Board or Commission Positions
For citizens that wish to be considered for a Board or Commission appointment, please fill out the application/questionnaire below, if there is an advertised opening.
»Board & Commission Requirements
»Application for Board & Commission Appointments
Current Board Openings:
- Housing Commission - Appointment March 13, 2025 Council Meeting
- Industrial Development Board - Appointment March 13, 2025 Council Meeting
- Library Board - Appointment March 13, 2025 Council Meeting
Board Video Recordings
The City of East Ridge has it's own YouTube channel, City of East Ridge. This channel is home to archived Board meetings, allowing more City residents to watch and participate in city government.
Administrative Hearing Officer
Meets once a month at 9:00 a.m. Meeting dates will be announced below.
The AHO hears cases pertaining to property maintenance issues. Violators will receive a notice in the mail describing said violation and the date the hearing is set.
Beer Board
Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m.
Board regulates beer sales & issues beer permits in the City of East Ridge. Board can also levy fines or suspend permits for violations. »Application for Beer Permit
- Roy Keown - Chairperson
- Josh Walker - Vice Chairperson
- Carnell Storie
- Robert Maner
- Michele Cunningham
Housing Commission
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Board makes decisions on properties that either need to be renovated or demolished as well as makes decisions on appeals.
- Amanda Jo Davis - Chairperson
- Jeff Ezell - Vice Chairperson
- Wayne Thompson
- Grant Sowder
- Robert Vallone
Industrial Development Board
Meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m.
Board helps recruit and approve incentive agreements for businesses.
- Casey Tuggle - Chairperson
- Danny Lance - Vice Chairperson
- Ryan Pamplin
- Robert Jones
- Dr. Jessica Crowe
- Larry Greene
- Marty Von Schaff
»Border Region Development District Map
Library Board
Meets on second Tuesday every other month at 6:00pm (February, April, June, August, October, December)
The board may receive donations, devises, and bequests to be used directly for library purposes.
The board has the authority to direct all the affairs of the library and the board may make and enforce rules and regulations.
- Marilyn Lowery - Chairperson
- Dr. Jessica Crowe - Secretary
- Carolyn Tucker
- Rachel McCrary
- Linda Henson
- Jenny Tyler
- Kimberly Meyers
Planning Commission
Meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Board hears and considers approval for rezoning cases and submits them to the City Council for final approval.
- Casey Tuggle - Chairperson
- Dana Howe - Vice Chairperson
- Brian Williams
- Scott Cornelius
- Aundie Witt - Council Appointee
Zoning Appeals
Board Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm
Board hears requests for variances on zoning requirements.
- Steve Leach - Chairperson
- Mac Pendley
- Jane Sharp
- Mitchell Qualls
- Eric Zitzow