East Ridge Animal Services


5302 Stone Street (Physical Address)
East Ridge, TN 37412 

1517 Tombras Avenue (Mailing Address)
East Ridge, TN 37412

Contact Information 

(423) 468-1432 (Office)
(423) 622-1725 (After-hours and weekend emergencies)

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 10:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 2:00pm (1st and 3rd Saturday of every month.)
Sunday: Closed 

The City of East Ridge Animal Services Division (ERAS) is a full spectrum, State certified animal control services agency. Services provided by East Ridge Animal Services include investigating reports of animal abuse and neglect, bringing to prosecution cases of animal cruelty, capturing vicious animals, impounding stray dogs, and providing after-hours response for animal-related emergencies.

In addition to providing field services, East Ridge Animal Services staff operate the City of East Ridge Animal Shelter. The shelter is maintained for the purpose of providing safe and humane housing for stray, abused, and neglected companion animals. Owner surrendered animals are accepted by appointment only and when space is available.  A $75.00 continuing care fee and an appointment are required when surrendering an owned pet.

Routine animal problems, such as stray dogs in a neighborhood or a dog running at large, are addressed by certified Animal Control Officers. Animal-related emergencies, such as dog attacks or injured animals, are handled 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Routine complaints reported after hours or on weekends will be handled the next business day. If you are reporting an animal related emergency and there is no answer at the shelter, please call East Ridge Police Department dispatch at (423) 622-1725.

 Animals are not accepted at the shelter after hours or on weekends and holidays.

If you are interested in viewing our adoptable pets, please call (423) 468-1432 or visit the East Ridge Animal Services website or Facebook.


Jennie Van Ausdal 
Animal Services Supervisor 
Susan Payne 
Animal Control Officer 

Ashleigh Vaughn
Animal Control Officer 

Corey Kainer 
Animal Control Officer  

Rabies Clinic


Animal Service Ordinance

  •  ORDINANCE # 941 - Pertaining to Cats and Dogs, Dangerous Dogs, Barking Dogs, and Euthanasia


Mission Statement

The mission of East Ridge Animal Services, a division of the City of East Ridge Department of Public Safety, is to provide City of East Ridge residents, both human and animal, with courteous, professional, and timely animal care and control services. To accomplish this mission, East Ridge Animal Services maintains the highest standards in personnel training and standard operating procedures. Ensuring public safety and the humane treatment of animals is paramount in achieving the goals of the Animal Services Division.   Moreover, by promoting animal welfare and humane education in the community, East Ridge Animal Services hopes to engender a culture of compassion in regard to all animals, including pets, strays, and wildlife.    East Ridge Animal Services fulfills its mission to the community by adopting best practices in the animal welfare field; maintaining a highly trained and dedicated staff; and cooperating closely with local veterinarians and animal rescue organizations.