East Ridge City Clerk's Office 


The City of East Ridge has implemented an online request system called GovQA. This new system makes the process of open records requests easier to use versus the traditional written form. This system of requests is open to all Tennessee residents who have open records request needs. For more information or questions regarding open records requests, please contact Amanda Bowers at abowers@eastridgetn.gov. You may also call City Hall at (423)867-7711.



1517 Tombras Avenue 
East Ridge, TN 37412 

Contact Information 

(423) 867-7711 (City Hall) 

Operating Hours 

Monday - Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm 

The City Clerk's office oversees the codification of City documents as well as the Minutes of Council Meetings and other boards and commissions. The City Clerk's office also fills Open Records Requests and dispenses Beer Permits. Alcohol Permits can be obtained by visiting the State of Tennessee's Alcohol Beverage Commission.

City Clerk

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